Happy Friday! For those of you that may not know during the day I work a corporate job in the insurance industry after switching careers as a 2nd grade teacher.   In the recent years (actually the past 5 years) I started taking steps towards pursuing my dreams as a wardrobe stylist and image consultant.  One aspect of my job as an image consultant is to introduce clients to style options they wouldn't normally consider.  Your visual presentation is key to making in a lasting impression.  It starts with investing in statement pieces that will take you through season to season.  My blog post "5 Steps to Develop Your Personal Style" is an excellent resource for all my style challenged men and women.  

Your wardrobe should contain amazing choices that you will not hesitate to wear.  We all have that one item you cannot wear anymore because you a spent a week's salary on it in 1999 and can't bear to part with it.  If it doesn't look good on you now, it shouldn't be there.  To achieve a successful visual presentation you must develop a functional wardrobe that serves you well.  You should wake up in the morning and be inspired by what's in your wardrobe.  20 black shirts offer little inspiration but one beaded vintage skirt brings excitement to get up, dress up, and face the day!  A good rule of thumb is for every 20 items you lay to rest, you can buy ONE "knock em dead" piece that fits into your new revamped wardrobe.  

Listed below are Some unbreakable laws that provide structure that will ensure your wardrobe is functional and adaptable:


1.  Purchase key items and get rid of the rest.  It's much easier to be inspired when you see five remarkable pieces rather 25 pieces and 20 of those are unremarkable. 

2.  Always buy the correct size.  Don't purchase a smaller size because you're planning on losing weight. Only purchase items that serve you in the present.  

3.  Be wary of bargains.  Buy what you are going to wear and love.  IF YOU DON'T NEED IT DON'T PURCHASE!

4.  Steer clear of trends.   Wear what suits your lifestyle and what makes you feel confident and timeless. 

5.  Comfortable doesn't have to mean boring. Don't play it too safe.  There is a fine line between graphic shirt and jeans and a sweat suit you wear for the cleaning the house. 

6.  Quality always beats quantity.  Only purchase the best or your perceived best of something rather than a lot of cheap or less valuable versions.  

7.  Do not expect to find your staple pieces in one shopping trip. Building a quality wardrobe is the result of an investment mindset.  Purchasing quality at a discounted prices is cost effective, if you are willing to spend the time. 


I'm here for you.......What are some of your struggles with finding your style? Comment below!

Until next time with love, 
